Ways to Give
The Independent College Fund of Maryland (I-Fund) is a group of 10 liberal arts colleges and universities working with the private sector to sustain excellence in higher education. To realize its mission, The I-Fund offers a range of business compatible investment options that allow our partners to direct their support in ways that are consistent with their own goals and mission.
Listed below are several ways that businesses, foundations and individuals may contribute to the Independent College Fund of Maryland:
- Checks
Make payable to “Independent College Fund of Maryland” and mail to:
Independent College Fund of Maryland
3225 Ellerslie Avenue, Suite C 160
Baltimore, MD 21218 - Gifts of Stock
If you have questions, please contact Lori Subotich (443) 997-5703. - Credit Cards
We accept Visa or MasterCard. Contact the I-Fund at (443) 997-5700. - Corporate Matching Funds
If your company matches employee contributions, please include your match forms and we will be happy to process those for you. - Planned Giving/Bequests
The I-Fund encourages individuals to name the I-Fund as a beneficiary of a will, insurance policy or trust. Please contact Rick Haberstick if you have any questions or would like to discuss options.
We have set a goal to increase our operating endowment to fully underwrite The I-Fund’s expenses. We encourage those who share our belief in the value of independent liberal arts education to consider a planned gift toward this goal.